Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday Pinterest FInds: Blog Hop

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I love Pinterest. I spend an obscene amount of time there. If you also have a Pinterest addiction join me in a Pinterest blog hop.

Each Saturday pick 4 or 5 of your favorite pins from the week. Put them into a post but make sure you give credit where credit is due! No plagiarism please :D Interested? Link up!

Isn't her hair lovely? I also love the pops of red contrasted with her black hair. No direct link to give this one credit but it appears to be from Elle.

What a creative way to add more shelving to a child's room. We are so very close to moving Little Bit to a big boy bed and nixing the changing table. This is the very type of dresser I envision in his room. Thanks On The Banks Of Squaw Creek for the inspiration! 

Babies, Books, and Signs has put together a wonderfully long list of mostly free online preschool curriculum. Guess what I did for several hours last night? Clickity, clickity!

If you have young(er) kids you simply must check out Judy and her blog What I Live For. She constantly amazes me with her thrifty and educational adventures. This week she blew my socks off with a recipe for moon sand :D

These are the pins that wowed me this week. What peaked your interest? Blog it and link up! 


  1. I DO love Pinterest, though I haven't gotten on it since like MAY! This is actually the most I have been on the computer in MONTHS...I'm starting to get the shakes! Hopefully in a few weeks I will be on here so much you will get sick of me!

  2. Oh--and I LOVE that dresser!

  3. Just stopped by from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop and started following your blog! I hope to have you stop by and visit soon!

    Love this dresser idea!!

  4. I like pinterest too.... but don't spend a lot of time on there. It is all I can do to keep up with my blogging sometimes.

    Very cool dresser.

  5. Just love pinterest. You found some good stuff!

  6. I missed this post. I really like pintrest I could spend hours daily on pintrest. That is why I try to limit my self to 30 minutes here and there.

  7. Thanks for the great shelving ideaa. We are really short of space in my oldest daughters room and looking for a way to create more space. I think I just figured it out! So how are you doing?

  8. isn't pinterest such a big and bottomless chest of treasure? :)

    Spanish Pinay
