Thursday, August 23, 2012

Preschool At Home

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Hubs and I had decided long ago that our children would be schooled at home. I am a classically trained teacher, who better to teach them than me? This week our homeschool journey has begun. Thanks to the blessings of a preschool curriculum from ABC Jesus Loves Me, Little Bit and I are "doing school."

School with a 2.5 year old is nothing like teaching 7th grade. It's sporadic. It's flexible. It's wonderful. When Little Bit has a moment of interest I sing him a song. This week it's  Genesis 1:1 sung to the tune of where is thumbkin and lots of the ABC song.

We are focusing on the color red, circles, and counting to one. Little Bit knows circles, counts to five, but has some trouble with colors. I am actually afraid that he may be color blind. Hubs thinks it's just a developmental issue and he will come along. He is doing marvelously.

I love how I can feel through the curriculum. I don't have to do a certain list of objectives in a certain order that are confined to a limited time period. The learning flows and ebbs. We interject play alongside of worksheets. We look for shapes in God's creation. We count the magnificence around us.

Am I following every aspect of the curriculum? Nope. Do I cross every t and dot every i? No way. Is Little Bit happy and learning. Yep. At 2.5 I would count our "school" work as an absolute success. It all seems to be about reading my child and providing him opportunities to learn instead of over planning every moment to force piles of information at a two year old.

I wonder in the years to come if this lesson of balance will be pivotal to learning at home. I have a feeling it will. What a great journey we have begun. What a blessed woman I am able to partake and facilitate the education of my little blessings!


  1. Congrats on the start of your homeschooling! It feels like forever since I last caught up with you. Life has been pretty crazy as of late! I'm sure that you teaching Little Bit is going to be great for him!

  2. I remember around that age, my daughter was not interested in learning colors at all either. I thought she might be colorblind because she's so smart in so many other areas. But she was just more interested in other things at the time, maybe your lil one is the same way. :)

  3. I love home schooling. It is wonderful that you can devote your time to their education. They learn so much better from mom.

  4. I am so jealous (healthy kind of jealous :) )right now. I really want to homeshool our little one but after considering a lot of things, I really figure that it's beyond my powers. Hurray for Little Bit and Mommy! :)

    Spanish Pinay

  5. I would love to hear Genesis 1:1 to the tune of Where is Thumbkin!!!! :)

  6. I homeschooled my kids for 18 years. It was a time of fun, learning, and sometimes frustration, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. All my kid have amazing abilities that were fed instead of squelched.
