I tried to put my bra on that I had worn throughout my pregnancy. Needless to say it did NOT fit. My Mom is bigger than me in the bust so she brought me a bra from home to at least get me through until I could purchase a nursing bra. It didn't work well ;D
I ventured out to my most favorite store Target. I loaded up on some nursing tank tops and a nursing bra. They were uncomfortable but I made do for quite a while and I hated every second of it. I couldn't wait to be done nursing so I could be comfortable again. I needed to find a compromise.
There is an awesome baby boutique near my home, Dream Baby Boutique. Debbie carries Bravado bras. I bought one but unfortunately I bought it a size to small. I went back and told Debbie how it cut into me and she loaded me up with different sizes and sent me into her bathroom to try them on. When I found the right size I finally realized what all the praise about Bravado was about. I bought two bras. I have been rotating between these two every since I bought them. They are fabulous and totally worth the money! That is a big statement coming from someone as cheap as me ;D
Naturally I would love to have more of the glorious Bravado bras (here is where I start getting cheap again) so I started scouring my inbox for Bravado giveaways. Today I found one at Minnesota Mama's Must Haves. She is giving away the Allure Underwire Nursing Bra. Here's hoping. Happy nursing!
I am having my own personal summer so I don't need one. I hope you had a terrific day sweet lady.