Thursday, January 21, 2010

Volkswagen Geek Turned Christian!

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Here is a pic of DH Nick in his new Christian T-Shirt I won over at Quilting Ranny. It says forgivengruven and looks like the little Volkswagen ads that were so popular a few years ago. DH has been a loyal VW guy for about ten years now so he loved this t-shirt. The shirt came from The owner Rachelle was super nice and shipped the shirt out within a week of me winning it! She also included a few buttons. Nick is going to put them on his back pack that he keeps his laptop in. Thanks Rachelle and Jean you made winning this such a joy. I will put you on my prayer list as something to be thankful for :D


  1. Thank you so much Nick and I too am a die hard VW lover and saving to buy my first camper van some day! So glad you liked it!

  2. Congratulations Amy! You have won the Friday Freebie on the Primitive Peddler. I will ship your package today, Friday, Jan. 22, USPS Priority mail. So hopefully you will get your package before the big day! Thanks Luv! Carol
