Thursday, May 10, 2012

Adoption Update: Last Homestudy

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On Tuesday we had our last home study from our social worker Daniel. He had written up a looooong document explaining why we qualify as adoptive parents. Hubs and I read through the many pages and marked the mistakes. Daniel also gave us some paperwork to re-do because the time limit had run out.

It was kind of anticlimactic to be honest. We did paperwork and chatted over coffee but in the same breath it was also exhilarating. We are that much closer to being done with the paperwork machine. Closer to being put on the waiting list for our precious baby. Closer to being the parents of two gifts from God.

Now I am busily redoing the paperwork that expired. Having things notarized for the dossier for our adoption agency. Hubs and I are working on our training. Then off all that paperwork goes for a checking over from our adoption agency. It's a lot of busy work but at this point I actually have something "to do."

When I was in the church office on Wednesday our Pastor warned me of the upcoming wait. That the time of waiting would present it's own challenges. That will be the time to rest in the Lord. My time to pray and rest in His sovereign timing. Here's praying I rise to the occasion and humbly submit. That's whats going on. I will continue to let you all know what's going on. Thanks for all the continued prayers and support!!


  1. I hope and pray everything goes smoothly for you Amy. I know you have been waiting for this for a long time. Good luck to you!

  2. I am praying every day for the two of you. The waiting is the worst part but as you know the two gifts you receive from God are worth that wait. Sorry I haven't been in touch as much lately things have been very busy.

  3. Busy work can be a blessing. Hugs and prayers for all of you. This is exciting to finally be getting to the end of the paperwork!

  4. I am sending prayers your way.The wait will be well worth it in the end.

  5. even more prayers on your way, Amy! Hurray to the light after the long tunnel of paperworks :)

    Spanish Pinay

  6. By the way, Amy, thanks for dropping by and reading my blog about F.L.A.G and a thousand and more thanks for jumping over there. You have a big heart! People like will be blessed a thousandfold.

    Spanish Pinay

  7. One step closer! Praying for you guys. Hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day!

  8. good luck on your will be worth the wait!

  9. I hope it keeps going smoothly for you guys!!

  10. Congratulations on taking one more step closer to your precious little one! Seems like now's the time to pick up some new hobbies to keep yourself busy while you happy for your family :)
